Finding the Minnesota Mortgage Broker That is Right For You

Purchasing a home is an important step and needs serious consideration. Whether you are a first time homebuyer, or buying a second home, you need to find the right company to assist you. Find a Minnesota mortgage broker that will answer your questions and help you...

Climbing The Equity Ladder

If you currently find yourself in the enviable position of looking to buy a second property then congratulations. The equity that you stand to gain from this purchase can be considerable, just remember to plan properly, to maximize your gain. The first step in this...

Don’t Check Your Brain at the Border

I always believed in the maxim, “diversify your investments”. So during our working careers my wife and I used to buy real estate, especially south of the border. When it came time to retire, we chose to live at least half the year on the shores of Lake...

Cheap Houses For Sale: Main Things You Should Know

We found cheap houses for sale all over the country. My wife Ana and I were on a seven-week drive around the country. It was a vacation, but we looked at houses too, and bought one in a great little town in the mountains of western Montana. It cost $17,500, and after...